
Emperor Palpatine
Darth Vader
Imperial Troopers

Imperial Officers
Grand Moff Tarkin
Grand Admiral Thrawn
Admiral Daala
Admiral Griff
Admiral Motti
Admiral Ozzel
Admiral Screed
Captain Piett

Officers of
the Empire
The Imperial
Navy Network
Mail to
The Admiral

Admiral Daala

Admiral Daala was the highest ranking  female fleet officer. 
She enrolled in the Imperial Academy on Carinda to begin her long education 
towards an Imperial command.Because om the sexist view of females in the 
imperial doctrine Daala where always being giving the worst assignments 
and passed over for promotion several time buy less competent male 

To get ahead she created a false persona in the computer networks.
She defeated many of her opponents in simulated warfare and here new 
radical ideas soon caught the eye of Moff Tarkin.

Moff Tarkin assigned Daala to his own personal Staff and Daala accompined 
him to Oversector Outer which was a sector compromising most of the 
Outer Rim Teretorries. Daala and Tarkin drived each other on and 
eventually Daala became Tarkins lover despite the fact that Tarkin had a 
wife on Phelarion.

Using Daalas talent helped Tarkin eventually to become a Grand Moff. 
Being a Grand Moff gave Tarkin almost unlimited power in priority 
sectors and he as only accountable  to the Emperor.

Tarkin wanted to keep Daala secret from the Emperor so he gave her an
admirals title and assigned her to the Secret Maw installation. 
To aid her he also gave her command of 4 Star destroyers :
Manticore,Basilisk,Hydra and Her flagship Gorgon captained by 
Captain Kratos. Daala had command of over 180,000 people in all.

The Maw installation was a secret imperial think tank located in the 
Maw Cluster an area full of black hole situated near Kessel.  
It was through this dangerous place the pilots doing the Kessel run 
flew through. The only people knowing about the installation was 
Tarkin and the people that was working there.
The people who built the Maw installation where sucked into a 
black whole when their nav computer having been reprogrammed 
by Admiral Daala made a critical hyperdrive jump.

The Maw installation was the place that designed the Death Star.
The science team included the administrator Tol Sivron,Top Imperial
designer Chief Bevel Lemelisk and Omwat designer/engineer Qwi Xux. 
After completing an prototype of the death star Grand Moff Tarkin 
presented the plans to Emperor Palpatine. Palpatine approved of the 
construction of the death star and Grand Moff Tarkin took 
Bevel Lemelisk out of the Maw installation to oversee the 
construction of the death star.

Tarkin often visited the Maw installation to be with here lover Daala.
On the final visit Tarkin orded Daala and the engineers to create a new 
superweapon that superseeds the death stars. 
He also gave her strict instruction not to leave the Maw installation 
and not to allow anybody else to do so either. After 11 years of complete
 isolation (The Maws black holes blocked Holonet transmissions) 
Daala sensing that her crew was becoming restless was contemplating 
if she should brake her orders and take her fleet out of the Maw.
Just then an imperial shuttle came into the maw. Daala expected news 
from Tarkin but was suprised to see that the shuttle contained  
Han Solo,Chewbacca and Kyp Durron.
Daala and Captain Kratas interogated Han Solo and found out what
had happend during the 11 years in isolation. They found out about 
the death of Tarkin,The destruction of the 2 death stars and the fall of 
the Empire.

After a brief period Daala decided to unleash the Maw installtions 
latest and most deadly weapon: The Suncrusher!

The Suncrusher is a craft slightly larger than a fighter. 
Roughly coneshaped the suncrusher was built out of quantum crystalline 
armour making it almost impossible to destroy.
But the most dangerous part of the suncrusher is its resonanse 
torpedoes. The torpedoes was designed to be launched into a 
starsystems star (sun) and start a chain reaction that would make the 
star change into a supernova,thereby incinerating every planet in 
the system.

Unfortunally for Daala Han Solo managed to talk the scientist Qui Xux. 
Xux had designed the different weapons thinking she was building 
peacful machines made for helping in agriculture and mining.
When she found out the thruth she immediatly released Han and
his friends from their cell. Solo together with Xux,Durron and 
Chewbacca managed to steal the Suncrusher.
During the battle that ensued when they tried to flee from the 
installation the Suncrusher rammed the bridge of the Star Destroyer Hydra.
The Star destoyer's navigation became disabled and it drifted into a 
black hole and was destroyed.

Daala chased the Suncrusher out of the Maw and happened upon 
the Kessel Fleet. After wreaking havoc on the fleet Daala's remaining 
3 Star Destroyers jumped into Hyperspace.
Daala hid here fleet in the Cauldron nebula to have time to plan here 
tactics for the coming battle against the New republic.

After a time she moved her fleet to the heavily trafficed Correlian trade 
spine. There she intercepted a correlian corvette from the new republic 
on its way to Dantooine. After a quick interogation she released the 
captain and his ship. Daala traced the republic frequencies the
captain used to broadcast the rapport of the attack. After that Daala 
destroyed the ship.

Daala proceeded to Dantooine where Luke Skywalker and the 
Republic had reallocated the inhabitans of the planet Eol Sha.
Daala despatched 6 AT-ATs and destoryed the whole colony.

After that Daala proceed to Calamari to destroy the planets Republic 
starship construction yards. Two of Daalas Star Destoryers proceeded 
with a planetery bombardment of the floating cities of Calamari.
Admiral Ackbar who was on vacationing on his home planet at the 
time despatched a fleet of B-wing defender to fight the 2 Star destoryers. 
Daala then deployed the Stardestroyer Manticore to destroy the 
starship construction yards. Ackbar countered with takeing control 
of an partially constructed Mon Calamari Crusher StarTide and used it  
to ram  the Manticore thereby destroying both the ships.

At this point New republic battle ships arrivied and Daala took her 
remaining Star Destroyers into hyperspace going back to the 
Cauldron Nebula. Angered by her two defeats Daala decided too 
use Ackbars tactics against him. She planed to do a lightning attack 
on Coruscant driving the Basilisk Star destoyer into the city planet.

But before she could carry out her attack Kyp Durron showed up in
the suncrusher and fired a resonance torpedo into the star of the 
caulduron nebula. Daala orded an immediatly withdrawal but the 
Basilisk didn't have time to go to hyperspace and was annihilated when 
the nebula where hit buy the shockwave from the explosion of the 
nebulas Star.

Daalas flagship Gorgon survived buy makeing a blind hyperspace jump.
But not without damages. Most of the sheilds and the weapons 
went offline and Daala had to spend many weeks repairing it.

Daala went back to the Maw installation and reached it just as the 
New Republic where raiding it. The Maw installation Administrator 
Tol Sivron had manned the Death Star prototype and in his 
clumsy bureaucratic way was trying to fight off the Suncrusher 
commandered by Kyp Durron.
After being denied help from Tol Sivron Daala downloaded 
the weapon plans from the installation and faked a 
suicide run into the installation.
As Daala blew up the installation she made a microjump out of the 
maw and disappered.
Daala spoke to her crew and informed them that they where going 
to head for the core worlds and ally themselves with one of the powerful 
Imperial Warlords.

Daala tried to unite the squabbling warlords into a fighting force to 
use against the New Republic.
But failling to unite them she simply used nervegas to assasinate 13 
of them and assumed command of all the imperial forces.
She made her new flagship a new Super star destroyer that she 
named the Knight hammer. 
Trying to kill the new jedi academy at Yavin 4 see lost her SSD and 
her fleet was pushed several 
lightyears from Yavin buy a combined effort of the Jedi students 
who where channeling all of their powers through the Jedi student Streen.
The effort knocked out the hyperdrive system of the fleet and they 
could not return to the battle.
The SSD was destroyed when it was blewn up from a direct torpedo hit 
to its fuel store inside the ship. 

Daala however survived and surfaced years later as a president of the 
independent company of  settelers.
A group of 3000 people who where trying to live life the old ways.
They managed to aquire 1.5 billion acres of land on the planet of 
Peduccis Chorrios from the Warlord  K'iin of  Silver Unfir.
After the republic twarted a plot by the evil Seti Ashgad and reuniting 
Daala with her long lost love Liegeus Vorn the New Republic decieded 
to leave Daala and her people alone.