
Emperor Palpatine
Darth Vader
Imperial Troopers

Imperial Officers
Grand Moff Tarkin
Grand Admiral Thrawn
Admiral Daala
Admiral Griff
Admiral Motti
Admiral Ozzel
Admiral Screed
Captain Piett

Officers of
the Empire
The Imperial
Navy Network
Mail to
The Admiral

Admiral Griff


Admiral Griff was the Fleet Admiral in charge of the construction of Darth
Vaders Super Star Destroyer Executor.
After the destruction of the first death star Admiral Griff was put in 
charge of the blockade of Yavin 4 to stop the 
rebels from fleeing of planet. Vader was taking his newly christened
ship to Yavin 4 to finaly wipe out the rebel base there.
The rebels however managed to mount a strike against the Executor 
and using a power gem disrupted its sheilds and caused enough 
damage to delay the Executor. Meanwhile Admiral Ackbar mounted a 
diversion attack on the Imperials in the Vallusk cluster.
While the Imperials diverted some of their force to deal with the attack, 
an opening in the blockade enabled the rebels to evacute Yavin 4.
Admiral Griff realising his mistake rushed to catch up 
with the rebel fleet. To escape Admiral Griff the rebel fleet 
where forced to steer their fleet dangerously close 
between two flaring stars. Luke Skywalker used the force to judge 
when the dangerous solar flares were going to erupt and the fleet 
slipped by the stars in the pause between the flares.
Admiral Griff then tried to get past the suns buy doing 
a micro hyperspace jump. Unfortunatly he misjudged the jump and 
he and his other two star destroyers crashed into the SSD Executor
thereby killing the Admiral. Thanks to the superior shelding of the 
Executor it didn't get any damage from the 3 
star destroyers crashing into it.