
Emperor Palpatine
Darth Vader
Imperial Troopers

Imperial Officers
Grand Moff Tarkin
Grand Admiral Thrawn
Admiral Daala
Admiral Griff
Admiral Motti
Admiral Ozzel
Admiral Screed
Captain Piett

Officers of
the Empire
The Imperial
Navy Network
Mail to
The Admiral

Admiral Motti

Admiral Motti was the senior Imperial commander in charge of the daily
operations onboard the first Death star.
Admiral Motti disagreed with the way Vader handled things.
He was nearly killed once when he questioned Vaders reliance on the force. 
He called the force an archaic and outdated religion.
Vader in response started to choke the Admiral using the force 
until Grand Moff Tarkin oredered Vader to stop.
Admiral Motti died when the first Death Star was Destroyed.