
Emperor Palpatine
Darth Vader
Imperial Troopers

Imperial Officers
Grand Moff Tarkin
Grand Admiral Thrawn
Admiral Daala
Admiral Griff
Admiral Motti
Admiral Ozzel
Admiral Screed
Captain Piett

Officers of
the Empire
The Imperial
Navy Network
Mail to
The Admiral

Grand Moff Tarkin

Grand Moff Tarkin started out as an Imperial Governor on the outer rim 
system governing the systems of the Seswenna Sector.
Tarkin deviced the philosophy of :
"Rule by fear of the force rather  then the force itself".

The Emperor recognized Tarkins abilities and bestowed on him the title 
of Grand Moff. Tarkin came up with the idea of an armoured spacestation
with so much firepower that even the most rebelious system could be 
forced into submission. His work lead to the building of the first Death Star. 

Unknown to Tarkin the rebels had aquired a copy of the Death Star 
schematics and had found a weak point in the system.
The rebels attacked the Death star and managed to destroy it
and thus killing Tarkin in the proccess.
