
Emperor Palpatine
Darth Vader
Imperial Officers
Imperial Troopers

Officers of
the Empire
The Imperial
Navy Network
Mail to
The Admiral

Emperor Palpatine

Emperor Palpatine began his career as a
senator in the Old Republic Senate.
The Senate at that time was slowly dying due
to corruption and massive lumbering bureaucracy.

Many senators in the Old republic saw to
Palpatine as a perfect candidate for holding
the Republic together.

One side of the senators genuinely wanted to
"repair" the Old Republic and saw Palpatine as
a puppet that they could use as a figurehead
while they worked their plans to "repair the Republic".

The other side of the senators saw Palpatine
as someone who could hold the Republic together
so they could continue their plunderings.

But Palpatine had his own agenda.

After He was elected head of the Senatorial Council
and President of the Republic he took steps
to get the Republic "up and moving".

But the peoples praise soon came to an end when
Palpatine's benign rule turned to a malevolent one.

Palpatine instated the Galactic Empire
and declared himself Emperor.

Some years later some senators who had tried
to depose Emperor Palpatine using legal
methods found that the tasked couldn't be
done legally and turned instead to rebellion.

They formed "The Alliance to restore the Republic".

This in turn suited Palpatine perfect and used it
as an excuse to disband the last of the senate for
"the duration of the emergency" as he called it.

Nobody knows how the Emperor learned to utilitise
the powers of the Dark side and gain his mastery.

It was sometime after Palpatine had declared himself
Emperor that He approached the young
Jedi Anakin Skywalker.

The Jedi who had begun his training with the Jedi
knight Obi-Wan Kenobi had grown tired of the
sometimes tedious learing Obi-wan had admininstered.
Anakin was glad when he was approched by the
Emperor as Palpatine's teaching was both
quicker and more appealing to the Jedi.

Using his dark side powers the Emporer lured the
young Jedi Anakin Skywalker over towards the dark
side of the force.

Anakin was approached by his old master
Obi-Wan Kenobi and was warned of the dangerous
path that the dark side represented.
Anakin refused to listen to the Jedi knight and
they began to fight.
During the fight Anakin fell into a pit of molten
lava which severly burnt the young man,
disfigured his face and hurt his lungs.

Anakin was forced to wear a respirator to breathe
and his hate for Obi-wan completed his
transformation towards the dark side of the force.

He took on a special armour made of black impervium
and wearing this suit abandoned his former name
and became Darth Vader.

Darth Vader took his place by his new master and
became his most trusted advisor.

When the Emperor heard of the young Jedi
Luke Skywalker and found out that his force
ability was strong he couldn't resist the
temptation to convert him into on of the dark jedis.

The Emperor lured Luke Skywalker into coming
to his second Death star to confront
his father Darth Vader.

Palpatine thought that he could get Luke Skywalker
to be seduce by the dark side if he were to give
in to his rage.

To accomplish this he had arranged a great part
of his fleet at Endor to destroy the
Rebel Alliance fleet.

Luke Skywalker in turn started to duel with
his father Darth Vader and almost killed the
Dark jedi using his anger to fuel his
lightsaber attacks.

When Luke Skywalker had cut of Darth Vaders right
hand and could have put a fatal blow to the
Dark jedi he found out that the rage had
almost made him kill his father.
He then turn of his light saber
and faced the Emperor.

The Emperor saw that he had to kill the Jedi and
started grilling him with the darkside lighting.

Luke Skywalker cried out for his father who then
in turn saw the error of his ways and lifted up
the Emperor and tossed him down a shaft,
Thus killing the Emperor.

But the aid had its price.
Darth Vaders respirator ceased to function
and after having removed his helmet and
spoken some final words to Luke Vader died.
